Showing Gratitude In 2020

2020 has been a year that none of us are ever going to forget. The current state of businesses and whether or not they’re able to be open, people losing their jobs, getting sick with COVID, cancelling plans and life events, not being able to see elderly family members, or friends and family with pre-existing conditions. The list goes on, and it is stressful and has affected everyone.
While we are dealing with so much uncertainty and stress during this time, it may start to feel like it’ll never end. These feelings have weight, and they directly affect the people around us, too. During these times, it is extremely beneficial to turn negative emotions, thoughts and stress into positivity, and finding and showing gratitude for the things we may have taken for granted before.
Writing down what we are grateful for is really helpful in getting into a more positive mindset, especially starting your day with looking over your list of things that you’re thankful for, and adding to it when more subjects come to mind that bring joy to your life. This helps us to focus and be grateful for the things we have, and less time dwelling on what is being taken away.
Some examples of showing gratitude during difficult times of 2020:
If you were laid off or furloughed from your job due to COVID-19, you can be grateful for the time that you have been able to spend not focusing on work, and more time focusing on yourself. Did you learn a new skill? Get to spend more time outdoors on hikes enjoying some fresh air? These things wouldn’t have happened if you didn’t have that free time.
If you’re bummed about not being able to work bar promotions, events, or liquor store samplings for months (as many of us are!) Were you able to start working and growing your social media skills to post influencer content? The positive is that influencers are still able to connect with consumers, take fun photos, and make some extra money as well!
If you are a college student and weren’t able to be on campus socializing and attending courses in person… you can still find gratitude in still being able to further your education online, and still being able to network with others in your desired field on LinkedIn. Not having to wake up extra early to get ready for the day and walk/drive to class can be a great positive, as well as being able to be cozy at home during the winter months while in class!
If you have fur babies at home, you can find gratitude in knowing that this has been the best year of their lives! Our pets are so happy to be spending so much time with us, and they make the best companions on our days that we are feeling down. An uplifting fact in 2020 is that it has been a record year for dog adoptions, and countless dogs and cats have been able to have their second chance at having a loving home! (If you’re looking to foster or adopt, check out Safe Hands Animal Rescue)
Another way that we can find gratitude in this turbulent year, is to think about all the hardworking frontline workers in hospitals working tirelessly to help sick patients, and being there for us or our loved ones who have had to be hospitalized due to the virus. Hospital workers and their ability to work long hours on their feet, showing comfort to patients who aren’t able to see their friends and family, and risking getting sick each day to save thousands of lives is something that we can all be grateful for!
This year has been tough on everyone in different ways, it’s important to spread kindness wherever you go, and show compassion for others, because you never know what battles people are facing amongst you. We could all use some positivity, by showing gratitude in both the big and little things, and realizing what you’re thankful for, makes a huge difference in the day you will have. Both for yourself, as well as having a positive effect on the people around you.
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