Category: Uncategorized

Checklist to Prepare For a Promo Event

Checklist to Prepare For a Promo Event checklist graphic

Whether you’re new to the promo world or a veteran with countless samplings, demos, events, and bar promotions under your belt, it’s important to always be prepared for each unique event that you are booked for. Since there will always be a fun variety of types of events and products being demoed and sampled to […]

Patio Season in Minneapolis is Back!

Patio Season in Minneapolis is Back! 2 female promoters

When living in Minnesota, we all know the uplifting feeling in the air when spring time arrives. The days are longer, the sun is shining, trees are turning green and colorful flowers are blooming. This spring feels even more joyful, as the world is starting to become more normal again, as our moods are improving […]

Spring 2021 – Light at the End of the Tunnel

Spring 2021 – Light at the End of the Tunnel two female wine promoters

It has been one whole year since COVID-19 shut the public down and put us into a lockdown, turning our daily routines upside down and having to adjust to these new changes that were unfortunately out of anyone’s control. During that time, we have missed all the events that make Spring, Summer, and Fall so […]

What Makes the Best Brand Ambassador?

What Makes the Best Brand Ambassador? two female brand ambassadors

At Modern Talent, we are proud to have an incredible team of Promotional Models, Brand Ambassadors, Wine Professionals, Trade Show Models, and Influencers representing us and the brands that we work with. Many members of our team are veterans who have been working events with us for years, and are perfect examples for incoming members […]

How Do I Become a Successful Influencer?

How Do I Become a Successful Influencer? social media influencer infographic

The age of the “Social Media Influencer” is not going anywhere. This newer marketing tactic to make an impact on consumers continues to grow in popularity and be utilized by industries of all types. In the liquor/beverage space, the use of Social Media influencers has grown exponentially since the beginning of the COVID-19 Pandemic, as […]

Wine Selling 101 – How to Make Your Product Stand Out at a Tasting

Wine Selling 101 – How to Make Your Product Stand Out at a Tasting wine being poured in a wine glass

Selling a delicious bottle of vino isn’t always as easy as it may seem. It takes real effort to make the product you’re representing stand out amongst the rest. When working at a wine sampling event or liquor store tasting, there are more often than not countless options of different wine brands from all over […]

Staying Motivated During A Pandemic

Staying Motivated During A Pandemic motivation infographic

These past seven months of dealing with everyday life during a global pandemic (Wait…How long?!) have been a challenge for the promotions industry and for all of us, no matter what industry or work-from-home situation someone is in. Everything is different now when considering the choices we make and places we choose to go, and […]

Social Media Influencers – More Beneficial Than Ever!

Social Media Influencers – More Beneficial Than Ever! influencer marketing info graphic

Over the last couple of years, there has been a new shift in digital marketing that puts a human face to a brand and/or company. Ever since social media became more popular, Social Media Influencers are continuing to make a pivotal impact in marketing for brands of all types. Whether an Influencer is promoting affordable […]