Outdoor Events During COVID-19

brand ambassador holding a hat

As we continue to learn more about COVID-19 and its effects on our industries, one thing has become clear: engaging in activities outdoors is both easy and safe when following a few simple measures.  As we enter into the peak of summer, it’s the perfect opportunity to execute events outdoors to promote your brand and safely engage with new people in your communities.

We are all working on reimagining our procedures to navigate this new normal in a safe way, and spending time outside has proven to be a great place to start.  Not only is it a great opportunity to promote your brand, but it’s also a great opportunity to reconnect with members of your community, many of whom we haven’t had a chance to connect with over the last few months. 

How can you safely execute outdoor events during COVID-19 with Modern Talent?

  • First of all, all of Modern Talent’s Brand Ambassadors will be required to wear masks when working on the job.
  • Brand Ambassador’s will always respect 6ft social distancing measures, and will work with your brand to make sure consumers are following similar protocol.  A few easy ways to enforce this includes physical guides like tape on the ground or sidewalk, designating “masks required” zones, or simple signs directing the flow of consumers to maintain a safe distance.
  • The CDC encourages events to stay local, which is easy! All of our Brand Ambassadors are local to your area, and held for your community only.
  • Sampling outdoors is still possible! Our Brand Ambassadors are fully trained in a “no-touch” sampling structure.  They will all have gloves, hand sanitizer, and will set up a sampling station that allows the consumer to select their own sample cup, pre-placed for ease of access.  Plus, everything will be disposable. This “no-touch” sampling system eliminates any possibility for unwanted exposure.
  • Don’t feel comfortable sampling yet? Or maybe your brand doesn’t require any sampling at all? No problem, there are lots of other ways to promote your brand. Think: handouts with brand information, giveaways, coupons, one-on-one engagement with Brand Ambassadors, etc.
  • An easy way to maintain an appropriate event attendance is to stagger entry to your event.  Our Brand Ambassadors can help keep the attendance to a size that feels comfortable to you and follows state and local guidelines. This will make social distancing even easier.
  • How to supplement attendance? Consider doing online attendance in addition to in-person attendance. Many of our Brand Ambassadors also work as Social Media influencers and could set up a Facebook or Instagram Live event along with your in-person outdoor event.  This is a creative way to engage with other members of your community and offer them a new and unique opportunity to get to know your brand. 
  • And finally, additional training measures.  Not only are our Brand Ambassadors required to complete a new COVID-19 Training program, but they are all expected to complete a training session with you and your brand.  If there’s anything additional that is important to you, please let us know!

Outdoor events during COVID-19 are still possible, and can be incredibly beneficial to your brand, all while helping to reignite the economy and bring your community together during this unprecedented time.    We encourage you to consider taking advantage of the warm weather while it’s here and consider setting up your next event outdoors – we’ll help you take care of all of the safety details.

To learn more about Modern Talent and the services we offer please visit our website at: moderntalentusa.com.  If you would like to book Modern Talent for your next event, please click here.

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Written by Madeline Sivanich

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