8 Benefits of Hiring Local Promotional Staffing Agencies to Run Your Event

If you’re interested in promoting your product at a trade show, special event, or in a specific location such as a retail store, restaurant, or bar, you are headed in the right direction. Putting experienced and well trained people out on the front lines to promote your product is a great way to increase sales. The next question you need to answer is: what agency should you hire?
The answer largely comes down to the market your business operates in and where you plan to execute your promotional event, but we recommend hiring locally if you can. Ideally, whoever you decide to work with should specialize or have experience in the industry your product is in, but there is no substitute for hiring people that live and work in the community you will be targeting. There are certain aspects of your business that you may be able to operate on a more national or global scale, but promoting your product within a given market requires a more delicate approach.
We’ve broken it down to these 8 benefits of hiring local agencies and staff to promote your product:
- They know the market: Local promotional staffing agencies will typically have a much stronger knowledge of the market in which you operate. National agencies are unlikely to have the resources required to understand all of the markets in which it has clients and local brand ambassadors & promotional talent will have a better grasp of the core values within the regions they operate. Here at Modern Talent, we have specialized teams dedicated to each of the states that we conduct business in, which includes Illinois, Iowa, Massachusetts, Minnesota, North & South Dakota, and Wisconsin.
- They save time & money: Businesses that work with a local event staffing agency will save time and money because they are hiring local talent. National or out-of-market agencies will likely need to relocate staff, which requires additional time and can cost a business more money if it agrees to pay for relocation. Businesses will also find it easier to communicate and work with local agencies because they may be able to meet with them in-person instead of over the phone.
- It’s good public relations: When businesses hire agencies locally, it is great for their public relations. The community will get a sense of loyalty from the company and this will likely help grow the staffing agency’s talent pool in the future as local candidates hope to stick around the area when looking for a job. Hiring local talent will also improve the economy because these agencies and employees will generally put their income back into the local community.
- Quicker decisions and more immediate support: A major advantage of working with a local promotional staffing agency instead of a national agency is that local agencies can make quicker decisions. They typically have fewer management officials, which means that the people in charge can make their decisions without having to report to a glut of other managers to resolve even some of the smallest issues. With local staff in place, they will also be more responsive and accommodating if their are any issues that arise or additional staffing needed as you get closer to the event.
- Training: An extremely critical part of running a promotional event is making sure that everyone is on the same page on the day of the event. Local agencies will be better equipped to train their staff with your product and it’s success in mind. Our forte at Modern Talent is instilling the difference between driving sales and just giving the product away in our models. Staffing models from locations throughout the US is an important part of this difference, that way each model can better create a homey atmosphere for consumers.
- Shared interests: Unlike a national agency, local agencies are invested in your community. Local agencies and staff work near or in the communities they live and genuinely care about the community’s financial and economical wellness– just as you do. Also, a poor event would reflect negatively on the agency and their promotional staff so it is in their best interest to represent your company and product well if they want to continue to grow within the community.
- Peace of mind: Hiring locally gives you a better chance of being able to check references and gather the reputation of the agency and possibly the models/staff that would be working your event. You also know where to find them if you have questions or concerns once the job is finished. The same cannot always be said for national agencies.
- Better service: A local promotional staffing agency that hires people who live in the communities they serve are likely to be more interested and passionate about meeting the customer’s needs and have a better knowledge of the community as a whole.
Ultimately, the most important factor when looking to hire an event staffing agency is making sure you hire the right people for the job. We believe that for this type of service, searching locally is the best place to start, but we also understand that each product requires it’s own unique sales approach. Each agency will have their own services in which they specialize and the goal is to find the best match for your company and product.
To learn more about Modern Talent and the services we offer please visit our website at: moderntalentusa.com. If you would like to book Modern Talent for your next event, please click here.
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