What Makes a Great Brand Ambassador?

Finding great Brand Ambassadors is more challenging now than ever, especially with the lack of in-house promotional teams these days. Trying to match people from contracted agencies to your brand and event needs is much more difficult than building and growing your own team of ambassadors with only your brand’s vision in mind. So how do you find the best talent?
When it comes to determining which people you want representing your brand, there are some simple qualities to look for that can help narrow down the field, but there are also some more event/location specific qualities you best not skip over. It is equally important to find people that are the right fit for your specific needs as it is to find quality Brand Ambassadors in more general terms.
Let’s start with the basic qualities of a great Brand Ambassador:
- Professionalism
- Ambassadors won’t be employed by your company, but they will be representing your brand. They will be informing consumers about your company, engaging them with your products and services, and creating a perception of your business among others. You wouldn’t hire people who do not show punctuality, solid communications skills, or show up unkempt, right? Hold your Brand Ambassadors to similar standards.
- Leadership
- When promoting a brand you need people who exude confidence and positivity not only within themselves, but in the brand or product they are promoting. Your Brand Ambassadors need to draw people in, whether it be a booth at a Trade Show or an in-store sampling. If people aren’t interested in listening to your ambassadors they won’t be interested in your brand.
- Passion for establishing and growing relationships
- You are not hiring Brand Ambassadors for the purpose of making a bunch of one-time sales. An ambassador’s role is to foster long-term and loyal relationships between the brand and consumer. Not only should they be passionate and familiar with your brand and your products, they should be able to connect and excite consumers about the benefits of patronizing your company.
Finding these three traits in Brand Ambassador candidates for your event is fairly straightforward, albeit, not as easy as one would hope. It’s critical that they at least have this foundation before you worry about the more event-specific skills and personalities for each candidate though, because let’s be real, you can’t win them all. Finding the perfect fit is no exact science, so the best you can do is find a process that works a high percentage of the time and build on it.
Here are some things to look for after establishing a strong foundation of Brand Ambassadors for your event:
- Knowledge and appreciation for local market
- Your Brand Ambassadors do not need to be active professionals in the marketing industry, but it shouldn’t be unrealistic for them to understand a local market’s core values and culture. One of the easiest ways to form a relationship with a consumer is to be able to relate with them, not only about their interest in your brand, but also with the places in which they spend most of their time. Creating a comfortable atmosphere gives you a better chance of sparking the initial conversation and then your Brand Ambassadors can use their skills to get consumers emotionally involved in the conversation from there. Authenticity is of the highest importance in modern marketing, so don’t skimp on prioritizing it in your event.
- Ability to Collect Feedback and Provide Insight
- Chances are that your promotional event will not be perfect or well-received by every single consumer. Brand Ambassadors that can gather consumer feedback based on their engagement with your product or event and report on those findings are critical. Gauging an event’s success can somewhat be determined by financial or lead generation ROI, but to get the whole picture and find out where you can improve you need consumer feedback. The information gathered can help you improve multiple aspects of your marketing strategy beyond just the isolated event.
Once you’ve found what you believe to be a great Brand Ambassador(s), how do you ultimately know if they are indeed the right fit for the event?
If the candidate(s) check off in all of these five areas you’ve given yourself a great chance at success. Hopefully you’ve worked with these Brand Ambassadors before and have developed a rapport with them, but we know that’s not always the case. We constantly stress hiring local talent to represent your brand because they instantly have a leg up on the competition in terms of authenticity on a local level.
Every market has it’s own needs from a communication and core values standpoint and it’s why we have prioritized building teams that live in each of the 13 states that Modern Talent operates in. Technology has allowed us to not only staff teams in multiple locations, but also to build a strong network of Brand Ambassadors that you can trust with your event needs.
To learn more about Modern Talent and the services we offer please visit our website at: moderntalentusa.com. If you would like to book Modern Talent for your next event, please click here.
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